APPLE FAIR 2024 DATES: OCTOBER 12,13,19,20,26, & 27th.
Pre-picked apples and farm produce available on weekends in our shop. Based on crop availability.
Farming Methods: Our commitment to using organic methods of growing stems from the passion to create an environment that nourishes our bodies while enriching the soil that will feed generations to come. We incorporate diverse varieties of beneficial plants, fruit trees, and flowers to build a thriving ecosystem and develop farming methods that enhance the way we live on the land.
Why Heirloom? Commercial growers cultivate fruit that ripen all at once, to wait on the shelf for consumers who have come to expect apples visually uniform in size, color, and without any blemish However, flavor is often a secondary consideration. In contrast, our heirloom apple trees continue to exist here at our farm thanks, in great part, to those of you who like to explore beyond the store shelves and the supermarket. We love our fruit’s uniqueness. With it’s distinctive qualities, you’ll discover these delicious varieties have a diverse selection of flavor and texture, ranging from complex sweet notes to a robust sharp finish.

Stayman Winesap - An heirloom treasure
A true autumn apple and famed to be one of the finest heirlooms around, the Stayman-Winesap is a complex
variety with a robust spice, wine-like flavor and crisp texture. This delicious variety has both sweet notes with a tart finish. Stayman-Winesap's thick skin keeps this juicy apple fresh longer than most other varieties.

Tips & Notes from our Farmers
What to Expect: Stone Soup Farm is home to 130 year old heirloom apple orchards that provides a unique
u-picking experience. As apart of your visit, we include a 10 minute tour about the history of our farm, some information about our apples, apple tasting and general rules while picking. We ask that no one pick until they have checked in with a farmhand for this introductory talk.
How to Pick Apples: Surprisingly, there are unique methods to picking apples correctly to insure future growth. We ask that you push up on the apple and twist until the fruit detaches from the spur wood. Pulling often damages our trees and may deter future growth.
Check Out: Our farm provides apple bags at the introduction talk before picking begins. We must ask that everyone pay for what they pick, including any additional apples that you may cause to fall off the tree.
We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you this season.
Thank you!